In a bizarre form of admiration, "American Idol" winner David Archuleta has been honored in his home state of Utah with a 10-acre maze cut into the cornfield of a local farmer.
The maze shows the singers image and a slogan that reads "Archuleta 4 President." Maze creator, and talented cornfield artist Jeff Herbst told local reporters:
"We really thought of doing Obama and McCain at first, but everyone we talked to was sick of the candidates, then we said, Let's do Archuleta."

Maze visitors are also being entered into a contest for a chance to win an autographed copy of Archuleta's new album when it's released Nov. 11, 2008.
While he wasn't sure if Archuleta would be able to see the maze in person because of his newly found Hollywood schedule, Herbst said it would be an honor to have the young star visit his creation.
The corn maze will open to the public starting Friday, and will stay open until November 1. In addition to the corn maze, the farm offers other various attractions from hayrides to pumpkin picking.
David Archuleta received over 40 million votes during his run on "American Idol" earlier this year. Now he is bigger now than ever before - literally.
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